Love Happened to Me: A Journey of Romance, Laughter, and Happily Ever After

Love Happened to Me: A Journey of Romance, Laughter, and Happily Ever After handler April 9, 2023 Romance It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and I was hanging out with my guy Yinka, watching the game and drinking beer, when he suddenly mentioned his friend Hafsat. “She’s really cool,” he said. “You should meet her […]
Influence of Parents on Partner Selection (Part 1)

Influence of Parents on Partner Selection (Part 1) handler December 12, 2022 Deep Talk,Life Style,Parenting,Real Talk Some parents make you feel that if you are not in a relationship with an “acceptable” person then there must be something wrong with you, some even go as far as giving you a deadline to bring forth an […]
4 Little White Lies Women Tell

4 Little White Lies Women Tell handler December 12, 2022 Humor,Real Talk 1. “I’m fine.” In a relationship, when a woman says “I’m fine.” She’s almost certainly not. She’s stewing about something you’ve done (or not done) and it’s up to you to work out what it is. Good luck! 2. “I don’t know.” Ha! […]
My Boss and I (Part 1)

Influence of Parents on Partner Selection (Part 1) handler December 12, 2022 Intimate,Sensual Immediately I walked into her office, I knew. Mrs. Bimpe Ade-Price was hunched over her desk and the little of her cleavage I saw had my heart doing back flips. She looked up and stared at me with big sexy eyes. I […]