Immediately I walked into her office, I knew.
Mrs. Bimpe Ade-Price was hunched over her desk and the little of her cleavage I saw had my heart doing back flips.
She looked up and stared at me with big sexy eyes. I felt her gaze into my soul as I lost my self in the beautiful blue sea that were her eyes. “Hellooo, who are you?” she asked, in a voice so sensuous it was like a thousand Angels singing and I immediately felt myself go both weak and hard at the same time.
“Em.. Emmm” I stammered as I tried to find my tongue and remember my name, “My name is… Harrison, the new Tax Manager and I’m here as part of my induction into your department”
“Oh”, she said and spent the next 20 minutes briefing me about the department, while I spent the same 20 minutes staring intently at her very beautiful face, her perfectly molded nose and her luscious lips, her fairy like hands and her sensual smile. Her jet black hair was the blackest of blacks and her teeth the whitest of whites. Even her ears seemed other worldly. She wasn’t just pretty – it was much more than that. She had a grace that was breathtaking.